Summer Social, August 18th, 2018!

Anita Gale Residence
18506 Upper Bay Road
Nassau Bay, Texas

The Clear Lake Area National Space Society and Moon Society Chapter will be hosting our annual Summer Social at the home of Anita Gale on Saturday, August 18th, 2018 from 1 pm to 7 pm. This year we will be holding a cookout with burgers and hot dogs; we welcome contributions of veggies and side dishes. The swimming pool will be open; feel free to take a dip!

There is no charge to attend, but voluntary contributions to offset the cost of food and refreshments will be accepted with our thanks. We would appreciate an RSVP email to info at nss dash houston dash moon dot org for planning purposes. Y’all come!

NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, the event will be postponed one day to Sunday, August 19th…same times, 1 to 7 pm. If conditions are questionable, check this web site for the official word.