Houston Clear Lake Area Chapter Honors Nichelle Nichols

The Clear Lake Area National Space Society and Moon Society Chapter met on August 16th at the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park. Director Keith Dauzat introduced a resolution that the Chapter recognize and honor the life and work of Star Trek actress and long-time NASA recruiter Nichelle Nichols, which the Chapter was eager to unanimously adopt. Accordingly,

The Clear Lake Area Chapter of the National Space Society and Moon Society honors the life, work and legacy of Nichelle Nichols for both her pioneering work as a Black actress and star on the groundbreaking television and film series Star Trek and especially for her subsequent work as a recruiter for NASA for nearly five decades. She has shown the way for three generations to turn science fiction into science fact, and that legacy will only continue to grow. This resolution is to be entered in the Chapter minutes, posted on the Chapter’s web site, and submitted to NSS Downlink in anticipation of publication. Adopted by the Clear Lake Area Chapter August 16th, 2022. Ad Astra.

We also heard from speaker and NASA veteran Dave Cheuvront about the workings of the Space Settlement Design Competitions and some of his favorite anecdotes. Dave had a presentation which, unfortunately, had to be abbreviated due to time and technical difficulties, but it can be downloaded from our web site at http://nss-houston-moon.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/CLA-NSS-Space-Settlements.pdf. Dave also encourages you to view a recorded copy of the presentation which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyn7AQkTQbk as well as other material from the F4F (Foundation For the Future) YouTube channel.

In other news, the Chapter will be resuming social events this fall! One of our popular “Science Fiction/Science Fact” Movie Nights will be held at the home of Anita Gale the afternoon and evening of Saturday, November 19th; for details see the post on our web page. And our Chapter Christmas party will return after a three-year hiatus at Anita’s home on December 17th!

The Clear Lake Area Chapter’s next meeting will be at the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park, just down NASA 1 from the Johnson Space Center, at 6:00 p.m. on September 20th, 2022. Everyone’s welcome!