August 16th Chapter Meeting!

The Clear Lake Area Chapter will meet on Tuesday, August 16th (CORRECTED; an earlier email inadvertently said ‘Tuesday the 18th’. I apologize) in the conference room of the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park beginning at 6:00 p.m. The address is 5002 NASA Road 1; Seabrook, Texas. The Community Center is north of NASA 1, away from the lake; enter through the side door adjacent to the parking lot as the main entrance may be locked after 5:00 p.m. A Zoom meeting option will also be available for the Chapter business portion of the meeting; see information below.

Guest Speaker: Dave Cheuvront!

Come hear our own Dave Cheuvront! Dave is very active in the Space Settlement Design Competitions, and he will be sharing with us about the activities of those competitions as well as the current state of the art in space settlement design! We will expedite the ‘business’ portion of the meeting to give Dave as much time as possible. Don’t miss it!

Coming Attractions!

  • The Clear Lake Area Chapter social calendar resumes with one of our science fiction/science fact Movie Nights in the home of Anita Gale on Saturday, November 19th! This year’s program focuses on space stations…we’ll watch the IMAX space station movie in Blu-ray, and then see what happens when a space station has “Tribble Trouble!”
  • Advance notice is also given of our Chapter Christmas party, currently planned for the 17th of December at the home of Anita Gale.

COVID Information: Masking and/or vaccination is not required by either the Chapter or by Harris County at the present time. Those who attend in person are encouraged to protect themselves as they in consultation with their medical advisors deem best, whether that be vaccination, masking, or prophylactic medicines and/or nutritional supplements (adverse outcomes from the virus are strongly related to deficiencies in Vitamin D3). We ask that you remain at home if you are running a fever over 99.6F or are suffering any symptoms of respiratory illness. Take care and see you there!

There will be no refreshments provided at this meeting although you are welcome to bring your own or purchase drinks from the county’s vending machine. We will attempt to conclude our business by 7:30 and then those who wish may adjourn to a local restaurant for refreshment and continued conversation on a ‘Dutch treat’ basis; exact location to be determined at the meeting.

Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be on Tuesday, September 20th at 6 p.m. At that meeting nominations for officers and directors will open in anticipation of our annual business meeting on October 18th.

Editing to add Chapter Treasurer’s Report (not available at August 16th meeting): Current balances of Chapter’s bank accounts as of July 31st, 2022: Savings balance  $669.99, Checking balance $303.03.

Congratulations to friend of the Chapter Avinash Shirode and his wife Sharmistha on the occasion of their 50th anniversary and his 75th birthday (August 14th, 2022)!

Clear Lake Area Chapter meeting: Tuesday the 15th, 6:00 p.m.

The Clear Lake Area Chapter will meet on Tuesday, February 15th in the conference room of the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park beginning at 6:00 p.m. The address is 5002 NASA Road 1; Seabrook, Texas. The Community Center is north of NASA 1, away from the lake; enter through the side door adjacent to the parking lot as the main entrance may be locked after 5:00 p.m. A Zoom meeting option will also be available for the Chapter business portion of the meeting; see information below.

We’ll be discussing Chapter activities for the coming year, with a special emphasis on the in-person social activities that we’ve all missed in the recent past. There’s a possibility that we will schedule a “Yuri’s Night” get-together in April; we’ll discuss at the meeting. We’ll also be taking a look at the recent launch and deployment of the Webb Telescope!

COVID Information: Masking and/or vaccination is not required by either the Chapter or by Harris County at the present time. Those who attend in person are encouraged to protect themselves as they in consultation with their medical advisors deem best, whether that be vaccination, masking, or prophylactic medicines and/or nutritional supplements (adverse outcomes from the virus are strongly related to deficiencies in Vitamin D3). We ask that you remain at home if you are running a fever over 99.6F or are suffering any symptoms of respiratory illness. Take care and see you there!

There will be no refreshments provided at this meeting although you are welcome to bring your own or purchase drinks from the county’s vending machine. Please note that some members have objected to the consumption of food and beverages in a group setting but the Chapter has not taken a position on that at this time. We will attempt to conclude our business by 7:30 and then those who wish may adjourn to a local restaurant for refreshment and continued conversation on a ‘Dutch treat’ basis; exact location to be determined at the meeting.

Our next regularly scheduled meeting following this one is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19th at 6 p.m.

Zoom Meeting Info: Please note that at present we are limited to a maximum of 40 minutes via Zoom, so the Zoom meeting will open at 6:15 p.m. and close about 30 minutes later. We will do our best to schedule any business requiring votes during this window. After the Zoom meeting closes we will be looking at recent space news and events presented by Doug Hall.

Eric Bowen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 746 1087 1231
Passcode: hiaqJ9

Meeting documents:

Virtual Business Meeting 2020

Due to current events and other considerations we will be holding the annual business meeting for the Clear Lake Area chapter on line, via our web site. Please go to the chapter business meeting page and participate by leaving your comments. Please note that only active members of NSS who have participated in our chapter’s meetings and events will be allowed to actually vote on the items, but comments are welcomed from all.

Hidden Treasures Movie Night!

Saturday, November 23rd
2:00 p.m to ?

Anita Gale Residence
18506 Upper Bay Road
Nassau Bay, Texas

Anita Gale is hosting our Chapter’s November “Movie Night” in her home at 18506 Upper Bay Road in Nassau Bay, across NASA 1 and down the road just a few blocks from the Space Center on Saturday, November the 23rd from 2:00 p.m. until we all run out of gas! This year’s get-together will feature some Hidden Treasures of Science Fiction and Science Fact!

We’ll have a few minutes for snacks and conversation after doors open at 2:00 p.m., but by about 2:30 we’ll be ready to start with our Science Fact entry, the 2014 biopic of Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan: The Last Man on the Moon. It gives much inside information of the lives of the astronauts and how they were changed both for better and for worse by the experience; the scenes where the former astronaut visits the crumbling ruin of KSC Launch Complex 39 are especially poignant.

We’ll have a dinner break with sandwiches, chips, and maybe a tray of chicken nuggets from a politically incorrect institution, then we’ll spend the rest of the evening in Anita’s TV room for some “Hidden Treasures” of SF TV! Back in 1965, as the original Star Trek was making its debut, a black & white TV series entitled Raumpatrouille Orion briefly appeared in Germany. Although it had very high production values, it never attained the audience of Gene Roddenberry’s brainchild and disappeared into the ether after only a few episodes…until brought to life again on DVD! We’ll also have a few episodes of the current Prime Video series The Expanse available; audience participation will determine which we actually watch and for how long. I normally work the graveyard shift…I promise that I can keep going as long as any of you can!

The popcorn machine will be there and popping; Anita will have her legendary spread of adult and soft beverages; and you’re all invited to bring along your leftover Halloween candy! Other contributions are welcome as well. We’re expecting an intimate turnout for this event, but still we would appreciate an RSVP email to so that we know how many to plan for. No charge for the event, but voluntary contributions towards the refreshments will be accepted with our thanks. Children are welcome with appropriate adult supervision, but please note that Last Man on the Moon is rated TV-MA for language and intense scenes and The Expanse is similarly rated TV-14.

More information is available on our chapter web site, or send an email inquiry to

Chapter meeting: Monday the 19th, 7:00 p.m.

The Clear Lake Area Chapter will meet on Monday, August 19th in the conference room of the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park. Doors open at 6:30; meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. Light refreshments, sodas and bottled water will be available. The address is 5002 NASA Road 1; Seabrook, Texas. The Community Center is north of NASA 1, away from the lake; enter through the side door adjacent to the parking lot as the main entrance may be locked after 5:00 p.m.

At this meeting nominations will open for chapter officers and directors for 2020. Nominations will also be accepted via email to up through11:59 p.m. Friday, October 11th and voted on at our October business meeting. Nominations require a second if made in person or two independent nominations if made by email. You can only nominate one candidate for each position, whether in person or by email. You must be a member in good standing of the National Space Society and/or the Moon Society and have indicated that you wish to be considered a member of this Chapter.

For information, the current slate of officers and positions is as follows:

  • President: Eric Bowen
  • Vice-President: Doug Hall
  • Treasurer: Jay Lewchanin
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Director, Position 1: Marianne Dyson
  • Director, Position 2: Keith Dauzat
  • Director, Position 3: Larry Friesen

Candidates for all officer positions and for Director, Position 1 must be or must be willing to become members in good standing of BOTH the National Space Society and The Moon Society. Candidates for Director, Position 2 must be a member in good standing of the National Space Society. Candidates for Director, Position 3 must be a member in good standing of The Moon Society.

Our next regularly scheduled meeting following this one will be our annual business meeting on Monday, October 21st; same time and place. Looking forward to seeing you then, too!

June 2019 Chapter Meeting

Chapter meeting:
Monday the 17th, 7:00 p.m.

The Clear Lake Area Chapter will meet on Monday, June 17th in the conference room of the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park. Doors open at 6:30; meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. Light refreshments, sodas and bottled water will be available. The address is 5002 NASA Road 1; Seabrook, Texas. The Community Center is north of NASA 1, away from the lake; enter through the side door adjacent to the parking lot as the main entrance may be locked after 5:00 p.m.

Our next regularly scheduled meeting following this one will be on Monday, August 19th; same time and place. Looking forward to seeing you then, too!

February 2019 Meeting Report

The Clear Lake Area Chapter met on February 18, 2019 in the conference room of the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park. We heard from Nathan Price, the president of the North Houston NSS chapter as well as an active member of our chapter. Nathan has some big ideas and both chapters are looking at projects we can work on to introduce other groups in NSS and elsewhere as to what’s going on here in Houston. Stay tuned!

Our next scheduled chapter meeting is currently set for Monday, April 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the Bay Area Community Center conference room. Make sure your taxes are done!

Movie Night 2018!

Double Feature Movie Night!
Saturday, November 10th, 2018
3:00-10:30 p.m

Anita Gale Residence
18506 Upper Bay Road
Nassau Bay, Texas

Anita Gale is hosting our Chapter’s November “Movie Night” in her home at 18506 Upper Bay Road in Nassau Bay, across NASA 1 and down the road just a few blocks from the Space Center on Saturday, November the 10th from 3:00 p.m. through 10:30. This year’s get-together will be a Double Feature of Science Fiction and Science Fact!

We’ll begin shortly after 3:00 p.m. with our Science Fact entry, a viewing of the 2016 motion picture Hidden Figures. This acclaimed film tells the story of three brilliant mathematicians who provided invaluable service to NASA during the Mercury program…and who all happened to be ladies of color! After that film we’ll have our dinner break with sandwich fixings and chips, then we’ll return to Anita’s TV room for some rip-rollicking Science Fiction…the very best of the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan!

We’ll have the popcorn machine going throughout; Anita will have her legendary spread of adult and soft beverages; and you’re all invited to bring along your leftover Halloween candy!

We would appreciate an RSVP email to so that we know how many to plan for. No charge for the event, but voluntary contributions towards the refreshments will be accepted with our thanks. Children are welcome with appropriate adult supervision.

More information is available by sending an email inquiry to

October 15th Annual Meeting Report

The annual business meeting of the Clear Lake Area National Space Society and Moon Society Chapter was held in the conference room of the Bay Area Community Center on October 15th, 2018. A quorum to do business under our current bylaws was present.

The current slate of officers and directors was renominated; as no other nominations were offered these candidates were elected by unanimous consent. Please see our “About the Chapter” page for detailed information. Our other major order of business was finalizing details for our “Movie Night” coming up next month. Once again, Anita Gale has generously offered to host us in her home on Saturday, November 10th. Our movie night will be a double feature: We will begin with Science Fact in the film Hidden Figures, the 2016 movie about the brilliant mathematicians who helped with the early Mercury program and were all ladies of color. We will follow that up with a classic Science Fiction space opera, the 1982 motion picture Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. The program will get underway shortly after 3 p.m.; there will be a dinner break featuring sandwich fixings and chips between features.

See you there!

Summer Social, August 18th, 2018!

Anita Gale Residence
18506 Upper Bay Road
Nassau Bay, Texas

The Clear Lake Area National Space Society and Moon Society Chapter will be hosting our annual Summer Social at the home of Anita Gale on Saturday, August 18th, 2018 from 1 pm to 7 pm. This year we will be holding a cookout with burgers and hot dogs; we welcome contributions of veggies and side dishes. The swimming pool will be open; feel free to take a dip!

There is no charge to attend, but voluntary contributions to offset the cost of food and refreshments will be accepted with our thanks. We would appreciate an RSVP email to info at nss dash houston dash moon dot org for planning purposes. Y’all come!

NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, the event will be postponed one day to Sunday, August 19th…same times, 1 to 7 pm. If conditions are questionable, check this web site for the official word.