Saturday, November 23rd
2:00 p.m to ?
Anita Gale Residence
18506 Upper Bay Road
Nassau Bay, Texas
Movie Poster for “The Last Man on the Moon” biopic of astronaut Gene Cernan Poster for “The Expanse” science fiction TV series DVD Cover for “Raumpatrouille Orion” science fiction TV series
Anita Gale is hosting our Chapter’s November “Movie Night” in her home at 18506 Upper Bay Road in Nassau Bay, across NASA 1 and down the road just a few blocks from the Space Center on Saturday, November the 23rd from 2:00 p.m. until we all run out of gas! This year’s get-together will feature some Hidden Treasures of Science Fiction and Science Fact!
We’ll have a few minutes for snacks and conversation after doors open at 2:00 p.m., but by about 2:30 we’ll be ready to start with our Science Fact entry, the 2014 biopic of Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan: The Last Man on the Moon. It gives much inside information of the lives of the astronauts and how they were changed both for better and for worse by the experience; the scenes where the former astronaut visits the crumbling ruin of KSC Launch Complex 39 are especially poignant.
We’ll have a dinner break with sandwiches, chips, and maybe a tray of chicken nuggets from a politically incorrect institution, then we’ll spend the rest of the evening in Anita’s TV room for some “Hidden Treasures” of SF TV! Back in 1965, as the original Star Trek was making its debut, a black & white TV series entitled Raumpatrouille Orion briefly appeared in Germany. Although it had very high production values, it never attained the audience of Gene Roddenberry’s brainchild and disappeared into the ether after only a few episodes…until brought to life again on DVD! We’ll also have a few episodes of the current Prime Video series The Expanse available; audience participation will determine which we actually watch and for how long. I normally work the graveyard shift…I promise that I can keep going as long as any of you can!
The popcorn machine will be there and popping; Anita will have her legendary spread of adult and soft beverages; and you’re all invited to bring along your leftover Halloween candy! Other contributions are welcome as well. We’re expecting an intimate turnout for this event, but still we would appreciate an RSVP email to so that we know how many to plan for. No charge for the event, but voluntary contributions towards the refreshments will be accepted with our thanks. Children are welcome with appropriate adult supervision, but please note that Last Man on the Moon is rated TV-MA for language and intense scenes and The Expanse is similarly rated TV-14.
More information is available on our chapter web site, or send an email inquiry to