June meeting: Monday the 19th, 7:00 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the Clear Lake Area National Space Society & Moon Society chapter will be on Monday, June 19th in the conference room of the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park. Doors open at 6:30; meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. Light refreshments, sodas and bottled water will be available. The address is 5002 NASA Road 1; Seabrook, Texas. The Community Center is north of NASA 1, away from the lake; enter through the side door adjacent to the parking lot as the main entrance may be locked after 5:00 p.m.

Special Notice: Marianne Dyson eBook 90% off on Amazon – One Day Only! (March 8th)

Our chapter’s own Marianne Dyson, former NASA flight controller and long-time Board member, is also a well-known science fiction and space author. Her memoir A Passion for Space has been selected by Amazon for their March 8th Kindle Daily Deal in conjunction with International Women’s Month. The regular list price of the book is $39.99; the Daily Deal price for the eBook will be only $3.99…90% off! (See Marianne’s web site if you’d like to purchase an autographed hard copy of her book at her regular selling price.)

I’d also like to mention that as of right now Marianne has a short story published in the current issue of Analog, available at Barnes & Noble and other good bookstores and newsstands.

[NOTE: This notice and the associated e-mailing are presented as a courtesy to our member Marianne Dyson. The Clear Lake Area Chapter is a 501c3 nonprofit and is receiving no compensation either for posting this message or from sales of these works.]

February 2017 Meeting Update

The Clear Lake Area Chapter held a very successful meeting the evening of February 27th, 2017. There were several new faces present and some important business was transacted. As originally discussed in our meeting last October, some bylaws changes were made which were intended to formalize the update process in the future and also to open up some director positions for increased participation. The detailed update is here with text being struck in red and new text which was adopted in green. The complete text is posted on our “About the Chapter” page.

With the adoption of the new bylaws, Chapter and Moon Society member Dr. Larry Friesen became eligible for the newly designated director position #3. As he was nominated and elected as a provisional director last October in anticipation of this revision, he assumed the seat immediately upon the adoption of the new bylaws. Congratulations, Larry, and welcome to the Board!

In other Chapter news, advance planning has begun for a “Yuri’s Night” party on Wednesday, April 12th and for our second summer social and pool party on Saturday, July 8th. Details are still being confirmed, but if you want to be sure to receive the notification then sign up for our Chapter Events mailing list using the form in the sidebar!



The regular February 20th meeting of the Clear Lake Area National Space Society & Moon Society Chapter is being postponed for a week due to a forecast of heavy rains and an official flash flood warning all day Monday the 20th. After confirming availability with our host, the Bay Area Community Center, we plan to reschedule for the evening of Monday, February 27th.

First Word From the Moon?

Okay. At our recent movie night a guest called me on the carpet and gave me ‘what for’ regarding the tagline I have used on this web site and on our chapter promotional material: “Houston: First Word From the Moon!” His objection is that “Houston” was NOT the first word from the Moon. Okay. Here’s the sequence, from the official transcripts:

  • The tip of Eagle‘s landing gear probe touches the lunar surface look these up. Aldrin, monitoring, calls out, “Contact light!”
  • Armstrong calls out, “Shutdown.” Aldrin replies, “Okay hno8hrc. Engine stop.”
  • Aldrin calls out, “ACA out of Detent.” Armstrong replies, “Out of Detent. Auto.”
  • Aldrin says, “Mode Control, both Auto. Descent Engine Command Override, Off. Engine Arm, Off. 413 is in.”
  • Charlie Duke breaks in with a transmission from Earth, “We copy you down, Eagle.”
  • However, Armstrong and Aldrin still have some housekeeping to perform. Armstrong says, “Engine arm is off.” He pauses.
  • Then, Armstrong makes the first communication of intelligence specifically directed from humans on another celestial body to humans on Earth: “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”

The tagline stands as is.

Chapter Christmas Party December 12, 2016

Our annual chapter Christmas party will be held in a local member’s home on the evening of Monday, December 12th beginning at 7:00 p.m. We plan to have a variety of appetizers and snacks as well as adult and soft beverages. If you can bring a dish or dessert, we will accept with thanks. For directions and more information send an RSVP email to <a href="mailto:info@nss-houston-moon cymbalta cost.org”>info@nss-houston-moon.org and let us know how many will be coming. We look forward to seeing you there!

ISDC 2017 St. Louis: Advance Planning

The 2017 International Space Development Conference will be held in St. Louis, Missouri from May 25th through May 29th, 2017 Find Out More. I have already registered for this conference and I hope to have a strong Houston Chapter presence for the meeting. If you can’t attend personally I encourage you to think about what you might be able to contribute in the way of flyers and handouts; we should have a table for literature distribution at the ISDC. Feel free to discuss this with me at any of our upcoming Chapter meetings or activities—-Eric B.

EDIT (October 10th): Just got word from St. Louis, the price is going up! Right now NSS members who register can get an “Early Bird” rate of just $100 for the full conference, but that ends on October 15th! So, if you have any inclination to attend, get your registration in now!

Movie Night November 14, 2016

The Clear Lake Area Chapter will host a “Movie Night” in the private home of one of our members the evening of November 14th, 2016 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Popcorn, candy and beverages (hard & soft) will be available. The movie is TBD; it will be chosen the night of the event based on audience feedback. There is no charge for the movie or event; voluntary contributions will be accepted for the refreshments. The home is near the Space Center; for directions and detailed information send an RSVP email to <a href=”mailto:info@nss-houston-moon cymbalta price.org”>info@nss-houston-moon.org

Fall NSS Meeting October 21-23 in Houston

The board members of the National Space Society will be meeting in Houston for their fall board meeting the weekend of October 21st-23rd, 2016 go now. The Clear Lake Area Chapter welcomes them and has plans for a social event to be held in conjunction with the activities. This will be open to chapter members and invited guests only, but if you want more information send an inquiry email to info@nss-houston-moon.org

October 17th Annual Meeting

On Monday evening, October 17th, 2016 starting at 7:00 p.m cymbalta anxiety. the Clear Lake Area National Space Society & Moon Society chapter will hold its annual business meeting and election of officers at the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park. Refreshments will be available and as time permits we will have material to present on Space Colonization. We will also discuss other upcoming events.