The Clear Lake Area Chapter will host a “Movie Night” in the private home of one of our members the evening of November 14th, 2016 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Popcorn, candy and beverages (hard & soft) will be available. The movie is TBD; it will be chosen the night of the event based on audience feedback. There is no charge for the movie or event; voluntary contributions will be accepted for the refreshments. The home is near the Space Center; for directions and detailed information send an RSVP email to <a href=”mailto:info@nss-houston-moon cymbalta”>
Author: Eric Bowen
Fall NSS Meeting October 21-23 in Houston
The board members of the National Space Society will be meeting in Houston for their fall board meeting the weekend of October 21st-23rd, 2016 go now. The Clear Lake Area Chapter welcomes them and has plans for a social event to be held in conjunction with the activities. This will be open to chapter members and invited guests only, but if you want more information send an inquiry email to
October 17th Annual Meeting
On Monday evening, October 17th, 2016 starting at 7:00 p.m cymbalta anxiety. the Clear Lake Area National Space Society & Moon Society chapter will hold its annual business meeting and election of officers at the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park. Refreshments will be available and as time permits we will have material to present on Space Colonization. We will also discuss other upcoming events.